A woman and child taking water from an Ooranie in Southern India

Addressing Water Scarcity in Arid Climates – Empowering Women, Educating Communities

In arid regions like Tamil Nadu, where water is a precious and scarce resource, the burden of water collection often falls upon women. Their journey to fetch water can be long and strenuous, sometimes spanning miles to the nearest water source. For many, this struggle not only consumes valuable time but also prevents girls from attending school at an early age.

A Sustainable Approach to Water Scarcity

In response to this pressing issue, Nirman Trust has embarked on a mission to provide access to clean water while promoting sustainability. Initially, we supplied water to the most affected villages through water tankers. However, this approach was costly and limited in its reach. To create a more sustainable solution, we initiated the restoration and construction of ooranies, which are water storage ponds, in these communities. These ooranies capture rainwater during the monsoon season.

Ooranies: A Lifesaver for Communities

Our ooranie restoration project has had a profound impact on 201 villages in Tuticorin and Ramnad districts of Tamil Nadu, India. These ooranies, equipped with strategically placed water inlets, provide a decentralized water supply system. In favorable monsoon seasons, villages can enjoy water supplies for up to eight months at a time. This initiative not only eases the burden of water collection but also empowers women to engage in productive work and earn income.

Environmental and Economic Advantages

The positive effects of our ooranie restoration project go beyond immediate water access. Villagers have observed an increase in water table levels and a reduction in salinity. Some ooranies have been stocked with freshwater fish, offering nutritious food options and economic opportunities for local farmers. Rainwater tanks have also been installed in schools to provide students with safe drinking water.
Empowering Schools and Communities

In Tuticorin and Tirunelveli districts, 231 schools have taken significant steps toward sustainability by implementing systems that ensure a consistent source of clean water. These initiatives not only fulfill the schools’ water requirements but also educate students and communities about the importance of water conservation. Consequently, these systems have conserved precious water resources, reduced dependence on external water sources, and contributed to a more sustainable future for the region.

Join Us in Fostering Sustainability

We invite you to join us in our mission to address water scarcity in arid climates, empower women, and educate communities about water conservation. By supporting Nirman Trust, you’re not merely granting access to water; you’re also helping us create a more sustainable and equitable future.

Take Action Today

If you’re interested in collaborating with us, volunteering, or contributing to our water conservation initiatives, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your support can assist us in continuing our essential work in providing clean water and promoting sustainability in arid regions.

At Nirman Trust, we firmly believe that genuine change commences with access to clean water, and development is most impactful when compassionate hearts and dedicated hands unite. Join us in our mission to create a world where every individual has reliable access to this fundamental necessity and the opportunity to flourish. Together, we can make a lasting difference.